

Electron Microscopy 6
III: Events
Experiments of Humberto Fernández-Morán, professor of Biophysics at the University of Chicago. Electron micrograph of a thin section though retinulae from a tropical Skipper butterfly demonstrating the highly regular organization of the differentiated membrane-bound components in these photoreceptors. The matched rhabdomere pairs (arrows-R) are surrounded by rows of mitochondria (Mi), grouped together in radial columns by a network of fine tubular channels (Ut) arising from the tracheal compartments (T). The walls of the tubular rhabdomere compartments (insert) contain arrays of dense particles, which may correspond to the ordered arrangement of the dichroic photopigment molecules providing the basis for the polarization-analyzing property of the insect eye.
Insects as laboratory animals | Animal experimentation | Fernández-Morán Villalobos, Humberto, 1924-1999 | College teachers | High resolution electron microscopy
Photographic prints; 33.0 x 21.5 cm
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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